In Project Maths students study patterns and relations before starting algebra. The aim is to see equations as describing relationships between variables. It is hoped that this approach will aid understanding and also make it more relevant.
A balance
In first year algebra we introduce simple equations and how to solve them. The aim is to simplify the equation so that we know what the missing letter (usually x ) is equal to. We do this by doing the same thing to both sides of the equation. Since both sides are equal they stay equal if we do the same to each side. Think of of simple weighing scales or a seesaw.
A balance
It is important to understand what you doing and not to just learn rules that might give the correct answer. When you use a rule or a shortcut you should be able to explain why it works. Problems arise in learning maths from rules being using incorrectly or without proper understanding. The Inspectors in the Department of Education have repeatedly identified this as a major problem at all levels, up to and including leaving cert maths.
There is more information and links to pages on solving equations in this post.
There is more information and links to pages on solving equations in this post.
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